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Customer Testimonials

Thank you to all of our customer's who have shared these wonderful reviews. Please visit Google or our Facebook Page for more shopper experiences.

Customer Reviews


"Beyond five stars for this resale boutique! I honestly didn’t know what to expect, but I’ve been wanting to stop in. I thrift shop a lot, especially for my little one since she grows so quickly, she’ll sometimes only wear something once or twice, and we all know that can get expensive! Price points were fantastic! I walked out with a mini haul of pants, shoes, summer things, tops, etc. under 40! I skipping Target and Amazon and just stopping in here when I need some new things for my toddler! Lots of really nice brand names, all very, very good quality! Store is neat, and very organized!"



"Items are either new or like new and the store is very clean and well organized. Owner is friendly and helpful. Considering how fast kids grow out of this this is perfect. It's always nice to support small businesses on top of everything else."


"I just shopped at this new children's resale boutique today and absolutely loved it! The selection and quality of the clothes were outstanding and the prices were beyond affordable! The store itself is beautiful and I love how they decorated it! I hate spending a lot of money on clothes since my kids beat them up and grow so fast, so this is the perfect addition to South Lyon! The owner is a complete doll -so sweet and friendly ! She is going to donate some clothes to my nonprofit that helps underprivileged children. I can’t recommend this shop enough - you won’t be disappointed. Support small business!!!

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